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Vintage Tin Clickers
Pre WWII Clickers
USA Metal
T Chon
Made in Japan
Other Clickers
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Some clickers have no manufacturer mark or the mark cannot be easily read so the maker can't be determined.
Listed prices are for reference only and depend on condition and
Turtle Wax
Vintage German Gnome on Toadstool
Triple F Feeds
Buster Brown Shoes
Green Pez Gourd
$8 - $10
PEZ Frog
$8 - $10
Pez Clown $8 - $10
Pez Chick
$8 - $10
The Grasshopper
Ellis Foods
Plymouth Cricket
Skyway Products
Old Style Beer
New and True Coffee
Computer Security Systems.
Computer Security Systems.
Bug made by Dowst Mfg Co Chicago IL
Bug made by Dowst Mfg Co Chicago IL
Hostess Ho Ho's
Disney United Way
Duo Therm Home Heater
1930s Mickey Mouse
1930s Mickey Mouse
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